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Public Notice: Construction and Renovation at UWEC

Starting October 1st, 2023, We are rebuilding UWEC -Entebbe Zoo with beautiful and immersive habitats and compelling guest experiences.
The construction and renovation works will last for seven (7) months. These will include, landscaping and paving the parking space, expansion of animal enclosures, working on walkways, extension of administration block, animal hospital and chimpanzee Island. These improvements will create new spaces and enhance the tourism and guest experience.

Temporarily, some animals will be moved to new habitats. UWEC shall remain open and opening hours will be unaffected by the works. Please understand if you are inconvenienced in any way. We shall try our best to offer the value added services as usual.

we appreciate your patienceand cooperation as we continue to maintain the best service to animals under our care, guests and staff.


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