Gray Crowned Crane
Local Name Lugisu : NG’OLI Lwo : OWALO Lunyankole : ENTUHA Lugbara: OHELLU Lutoro/Lunyoro: ENTUUHA Habitat: It lives in grasslands, flooded plains, marshes and water sides. Range; Eastern and Southern Africa In Uganda; All over Uganda Food; Seed, tip of grass, grain, insect, and frog, etc Threats to survival; Loss and degradation of wetland […]
Local Name
Lugisu : NG’OLI
Lunyankole : ENTUHA
Lugbara: OHELLU
Lutoro/Lunyoro: ENTUUHA
It lives in grasslands, flooded plains, marshes and water sides.
Eastern and Southern Africa
In Uganda;
All over Uganda
Seed, tip of grass, grain, insect, and frog, etc
Threats to survival;
Loss and degradation of wetland
Hunting directly and indirectly
Threatened Level;