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Lion Conservation Fund Launched

The Kibonge Lion Conservation Fund that was officially launched  yesterday by the Commissioner, Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities, Mr. Akankwasa Barirega. This fund has been set up to help UWEC finance conservation initiatives aimed at reversing the tide to lion extinction  aware that only 415 individuals remain in the entire protected areas of Uganda.

In his remarks to the media, the Executive Director, Mr. James Musinguzi, thanked the 4th Estate (Media Fraternity), friends of UWEC and members of the general public that turned up to bid farewell to the known oldest Lion in Uganda yesterday.

He argued all Ugandans participate in conservation efforts that will go a long way in supporting wildlife, and tourism development in Uganda, so as to create employment for the young people.

The Executive Director informed the congregation that UWEC has already secured two breeding male lion loans from; Paradise Wildlife Park in the United Kingdom and Mike Bester Park in South Africa, to replace the fallen hero, Kibonge.

Kibonge was found abandoned at Nairobi Safari Park and loaned to Uganda at the age of 3. He died at the age of 18years, leaving behind two lioness cubs and two “spouses”.


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